A Novice Researcher’s First Walk Through the Maze of Grounded Theory Rationalization for Classical Grounded Theory

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Gary L. Evans


Being new to grounded theory the onus to understand the methodology and the various versions can be daunting. Learning and understanding the differences between grounded theories methodologies can be as much a learning of one's own research philosophy and this philosophy is often the deciding factor in methodology selection. Learning the different methodologies is a difficult journey as terminology often sounds similar to the novice researcher, but only by exploring the differences can the researcher rationalize their own choice. This paper offers the new researcher a view into the confusing world of grounded theory, where common terms are used but the secret lies in understanding the philosophy of the researcher and the topic of discovery. Glaser was correct, the answer is in the data, but you need to understand the philosophy of the method and if it matches your philosophy of research.


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Evans, G. L. (2023). A Novice Researcher’s First Walk Through the Maze of Grounded Theory: Rationalization for Classical Grounded Theory. Grounded Theory Review, 22(01), 145–163. Retrieved from https://groundedtheoryreview.org/index.php/gtr/article/view/112


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