Quality of life to people with advanced HIV/AIDS in Norway
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This article reports findings from phase one of a replicated study conducted in Norway. The study is part of a cross-national study developing an ethnically sensitive instrument to assess quality of life for people with advanced HIV/AIDS (Holzemer, 1994). Interpretive data generated from interviews with 10 men and 3 significant, a total of 19 interviews, seems to show that they learn to live with the virus but that after crossing over, the time when AIDS was diagnosed, there was no turning around. Useful strategies were controlling, hoping, talking and reminiscing. Reminiscing was like a sentimental journey into the past, not looking to the future, letting go while planning and preparing to die. Comparing findings from the two sets of data find similar themes that were played out differently. Since the backgrounds of the two samples are different comparisons are difficult.
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