Pressing the Reset Button Celebrating the Unlearning of Grounded Theory in the People’s Republic of China
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This round of the “giant leap forward,” principally involving grounded theory in the People’s Republic of China, has been replete with the notion of three-level coding, which arose from the coding procedure alone of the Strauss and Corbin variant. Given the efforts of many col-leagues and students both in this country and elsewhere, we are beginning to witness the gradual dissociation of it from and the return to the original methodology intended by Glaser and Strauss and reiterated by Glaser. In addition, academic misconduct in this field has been, and will definitely continue to be, the very focal point of this methodological debate simply because it has reached epidemic proportions in this part of the world. It has also emerged over the past few years that there is now a new generation of grounded theory researchers that remain faithful and yet critical in their adoption of this methodology.
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