Book Review Glaserian grounded theory in nursing research: Trusting emergence
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This new research book focuses on Glaserian grounded theory and has been written specifically for nurse researchers. Although the many examples used to illustrate methodological issues are nursing related, the book will be of interest to grounded theory researchers across disciplines. The lead author, Professor Barbara Artinian, has researched using the method and supervised masters and doctoral students for over twenty years. The insights that come from her experience are combined with a strong commitment to endorsing classic grounded theory. The core category of the book could be identified as, "staying true" as per Glaser and Strauss (1967) and Glaser (1978, 1998).
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Artinian, B. M., Giske, T., & Cone, P. H. (2009). Glaserian grounded theory in nu rsing research: Trusting emergence. New York: Springer Publishing.
Cone, P. H., & Artinian, B. M. (2009). Bending the directives of Glaserian grounded theory in nursing research. In B. M. Artinian, T. Giske, T. & P. H. Cone, Glaserian grounded theory in nursing research: Trusting emergence (pp. 35-47). New York: Springer Publishing.
Glaser, B. G. (1978). Theoretical sensitivity : Advances in the methodology of grounded theory . Mill Valley, CA: Sociology Press.
Glaser, B. G. (1998). Doing grounded theory: Iss ues and discussion . Mill Valley, CA: Sociology Press.
Glaser, B. G., & Strauss, A. L. (1967). The discovery of grounded theory; Strategies for qualitative research . Chicago: Aldine Publishing.
Mateo, M. A., & Kirchhoff, K. T. (2009). Research for advanced practice nurses: From evidence to practice. New York: Springer Publishing.