Procedural and Methodological Rigor in Classic Grounded Theory

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Barry Chametzky


Though well-respected within its community, classic grounded theory is not as widely known as some other qualitative and quantitative research designs. Just as the other research designs have inherently rigorous principles, so too does classic grounded theory. The purpose of this talk is to explain several of these rigors by way of the tenets of the design. Only through a discussion of how rigorous this research design is, can novice and more experienced researchers truly appreciate its beauty, acquire valuable information about the design, and discover how beneficial the design might be to them. More specifically, there will be a detailed discussion on the following elements of rigor: (a) remaining true to and not manipulating the data; (b) using a grand tour question with no other questions; (c) using the Constant Comparison Method; (d) developing conceptualized rather than descriptive concepts; and, (e) ensuring the five pillars of classic grounded theory are present.


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Chametzky, B. (2024). Procedural and Methodological Rigor in Classic Grounded Theory. Grounded Theory Review, 23(1), 122–145. Retrieved from


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