Surviving Situational Suffering A classic grounded theory study of post-secondary part-time educators in the United States

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Barry Chametzky


Administrators at post-secondary institutions in the United States hire contingent faculty members to teach a great many classes. It is therefore valuable to understand what the issues are for these on-demand, non-tenured faculty members. The theory of surviving situational suffering explains how part-time adjunct educators in the United States resolve their main concern—maintaining employment—within a context of reduced appreciation, underutilization, and ingratitude. Just as with various historical events now considered discriminatory, the theory explores a form of bias and intolerance in higher education that needs to be openly discussed and addressed. The theory consists of three broad categories: (a) limiting, (b) balancing conflict, and (c) falling short. Though the substantive area is post-secondary educational institutions, the ideas presented in this paper are easily generalizable to other areas in life whenever someone is trying to survive situational anxieties.


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Chametzky, B. (2023). Surviving Situational Suffering: A classic grounded theory study of post-secondary part-time educators in the United States . Grounded Theory Review, 22(01), 165–179. Retrieved from


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