The Constant Comparison Method of Classic Grounded Theory and the Explication de Texte Connections and Differences
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A historical connection between classic grounded theory and the French literary analysis called explication de texte has been well established in the literature. However, for non-French students and scholars residing outside of France, an explication de texte is not well-understood. Additionally, how the analytic method relates to the constant comparison method and, by extension, classic grounded theory is not well-understood and is not documented. The objective of this article, then, is multifold. First, the goal is to explain an explication de texte. The next step is to present a sample explication de texte based on a common American nursery rhyme to understand the nuances of such an analysis. Finally, several connections and differences between an explication de texte and the constant comparison method and classic grounded theory are presented.
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